Men’s Nutrition: Food For Good Prostate Health
Sunday, 24 June 2018
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It becomes essential for men to take care of their prostate gland early on. As this gland provides for essential functions for men, it should be well given the due attention and the nutrition it needs to be able to function for a good amount of time.
Men should try to maximize the life of its prostate gland – though as one ages, prostate problems are sure to emerge. With proper food intake for good prostate health, one can be hopeful that the disease that haunts many older men will forego of him or haunt him at a much later time.
Food for good prostate health includes nuts. Brazil nuts contain around 140 micrograms of selenium. Selenium is a trace mineral, which hinders the growth of cancerous cells in the prostate. Selenium rich food for good prostate health would also include tuna. Shrimps and turkey have also good amounts of selenium.
Omega-3 fatty acids in fish have also shown positive effects in suppressing the growth of tumor cells. Take salmon and sardines, 3 times a week - would help to have a healthy prostate.
Food for good prostate health includes onions. Chopped onions, garlic, scallions or shallots will help lower the risk for prostate disease for men. But one should note that these are better served uncooked, as the powerful nutrients of onions and these others are more potent when served raw.
Soy and other legume are rich with isoflavones. These are chemicals that show some potential to hinder the conversion of testosterone to DHT. These also block estrogen’s unwanted effects on the prostate gland. There are many soy products available, as tofu, soybeans & soymilk, to serve as food for good prostate health.
Ideal food for good prostate health would be fruits. Studies have shown that the glucose from these fruits is able to do your prostates well. So if you should binge on anything, better binge on these, which also provide your body with lots of antioxidants.
Tomato, which is high in lycopene, has an inhibiting effect on prostate diseases. Putting some carrots in, will increase the body’s absorption of lycopene. There are tomato juices available in supermarkets that would be convenient for you to take.
Take raisin as a food for good prostate health. This is rich in boron along with pears, oranges, apples, grapes and lima beans. With a varied diet, one can have sufficient amount of boron, which will not require supplementation for this nutrient thru pills.
Why don’t you take fortified milk? You may think you have outgrown it, but drinking milk accompanied with Vitamin D thru natural sunlight, will have effects on cell growth and in limiting the risk for prostate cancer.
Foods for good prostate health are many – and these will help you on your drive towards a healthy and functional prostate. Eating healthy and eating natural foods seem to be the way to go for a healthier prostate.
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